The pervasiveness of digital tools and resources in everyday life has impacted the relation to language and modified certain language uses. This change affects linguistic and teaching practices as well as language research (methodology and subjects). We invite young researchers to propose their analysis, with respect to their research field, of the topics developed below.
THEME 1: digital technologies in research methodology
Research methodologies in language science have integrated digital tools and resources paving the way to new approaches.
- Which digital tools and resources do we call upon (corpus, software, various tooling, etc.)? For which usage and for what purpose?
- How does language research embed a digital tool (requirements, ethical and methodological limits, physical barriers, etc.)?
- How do digital tools contribute to and impact research subjects and practices (multimodality, natural language processing, etc.)?
THEME 2: digital technologies in native and foreign language teaching
Language teaching practices and learning situations have been modified with the introduction of digital technologies.
- How do digital tools and resources fit into learning strategies? What are these tools and resources?
- For what purposes are these tools and resources used and for which learning environments (formal, non-formal, informal)?
- What are the benefits and/or drawbacks of open access tools? What about fee-charged tools?
- Are digital tools essential for language learning? Is it possible nowadays to do without them for language learning?
THEME 3: digital technologies in language practices
Digital technologies have brought about new practices and new contexts of communication, resulting in new language variants (SMS, tweets etc.) which expand the field of linguistic analysis.
- Which variants (written, oral and/or gestural) have emerged from these new communication practices? What are the observable salient linguistic features and how can they be analysed?
- What are the consequences of these new linguistic uses on ordinary language practices (relationship between oral and written forms, “informalisation” of interactions, etc.)?
- Who are the speakers involved in these environments? Do they form new linguistic communities?
Presentations will be in French or in English.
Paper submission
This conference is for young researchers only (doctoral students and young doctors having presented their thesis within the last three years). Paper proposals written in French or in English should be two pages maximum (bibliography included) and respect the style sheet available on the conference website. Papers should be submitted on this site as well, before the 15th of November 2017 4th of December 2017.
- Submission deadline: 15 November 2017 4 December 2017
- Notice to authors: mid-Mars 2018
- Preliminary program : mid-April 2018
- Registration deadline : 30 April 2018
- Conference : Wednesday 30th of May (afternoon) until Friday 1st of June 2018
Communication procedures
Young researchers’ presentations will be accompanied by plenary conferences given by researchers from different disciplinary fields. The selected proposals will result in 20-minute presentations followed by a 10-minute discussion.
Conference proceedings
The accepted abstracts may result in the publication of an article.
For further information on registration and submission procedures: